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Kasaiku a new social network for business

Kasaikuwhite logoKasaiku is the brand new player on planet social network. It enters into the category of business networks such as Linkedin, Plaxo, Naymz or Xing, but the difference is on its content and the way it is presented, bit more linke Facebook or Bebo. It provides its users several applications: live chat, the possibility to create groups, events, post pictures or business video’s or even video CV’s which is the brand new way to show talented people their skills by presenting themselves in a 2 minute video appearance. Everyone can be traced, connected and invited. A mashup permits to use Google maps for events or to locate friends.

Kasaiku close

Its CEO Filipe de Sousa is optimistic about the future, Kasaiku will be a reference for business and for job search, the easy search bottom permits anyon find other kasaiku profiles and inviting them to become friends but also companies can be invited and vice versa, in order to increase business opportunities. Kasaiku plans to use Virtual worlds in the future  in order to organize virtual business meetings or job interviews. has all the ingredients to become a success story.

to register :

Kasaiku on Iphone

Kasaiku on Iphone

May 25, 2009 Posted by | Network manual, social network concept, Uncategorized | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Twitter: The liberty of expression

twitter-imageSince it start in 2006, Twitter has become an important public diary and news reporter. Twitter is considered to be a micro-blogging, but it is much more than just a place where people update their current status, moods and affairs.

Twitter is a service that enables its users to post text messages on their profile that can be followed by other users (or so called tweets). The users can than itself follow other users with their updates.  If a user is connected with a certain amount of tweets than it can follow every update made by them in real time. This application can also be followed on your mobile which enables the user to update very quickly. Reporters around the world use twitter to be updated realtime with news events around the world. Twitter can also be used as a advertisement tool to promote events, products or services. The key to its success is its simplicity. The freedom to be connected to the world and to be updated has rushed organisations and companies to use twitter as a first contact for news delivery. The BBC and CNN uses their own twitter account independently from their reporters.

April 23, 2009 Posted by | Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Real Life or Second Life

Second life

Second life

Several science fiction authors have predicted a world where humans will live as simulations. An illusion of a real world. All thou it was like living in another dimension, people were conscious of the fact that the world in question was not theirs. Since the first games emerged from the software industry, avatars were used as they obeyed to the player’s command. During all those years the graphic improuved as well as the interaction of the player. Virtual worlds were created to perfection.

Today there are two kinds of virtual worlds:

Massively Multiplayer online role-playing games

Massively Multiplayer online real life games

The internet evolutions has permitted players to join their games from all over the world simultaniously. The first kind of virtual worlds are games, where the player has a definite role an has to obey the game rules. The second type of virtual world has no rules whatsover and there is no goal attached to the game, it provides the condition to players as on the real life. VW such as Second life gives the users the opportunity to be part of its economy, avatars can work and do business, contribute to its environment by creating tools,clothes, buildings, buy real estate. There is even an exchange between real life money and second life money. Companies were quick to show interest in this new economy due to the fact that they were low to accept innovative economic structures such as Web 2.0 technology. Companies have their own advertisement, stores such as Apple or Nike have they own stores own second life where users can view the latest products. Selection agencies have already used this 3D platform in order to organize recruitment fairs or even selection.

Several scholars critize this new form of economic structure. They argue that Virtual worlds does not have many inhabitants, also people coming on second life, very few of them contribute to its economy. Also due to its high graphics only the latest computers can provide a user an adequate 3D sensation.

But on my opinion second life is just a pioneering site were the first real life simulation will be created. the whole internet will be a 3D simulation and companies must contribute to its development will be part of a future elite.

Besides Second life you have other Virtual worlds such as :

For others see page with list of online virtual worlds

In the future more virtual worlds will be created, portals are going to provide users jumps between one world to another. Sales online will grow on this 3D worlds, people will buy practically anything through this 3D worlds and exchange rates will provide an new kind of economic structure. Imagine a Facebook with  170 million inhabitants on a virtual world?



March 5, 2009 Posted by | social network concept, Uncategorized | , , , | Leave a comment