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Generation Gap in social networking

 The study of generation has stated that people of different generation react differently and have different patterns of behaviour towards internet and its use. O’reilly’s Web 2.0 philosophy and use of interactive online softwares that enables users to contribute, collaborate, comment, participate and even develop and create are typical GEN Y tools. The Baby boomers which are responsible for the world’s order and economy of today are simply watching their grand children (generation Y) creating and developing a new kind of economic environment, all that with a few clicks !

Generation X are those who are the inventors of the roadmaps of the internet, while Generation Y are the builders of cars inside these roads ! The next Generation, Gen M will look at generation Y and laugh at the use of a laptop in order to create an interactive website, GEN M is growing into a mobile world where you have fully virtual workspace at the palm of your hands ! They will build an economy that is 10 times faster than today ! where people will go virtually on holiday ! ok ok that’s too much science fiction !


In order to give you an overview of the personality of every generation specifically I have interviewed some psychologists mixed with a timetable of internet evolution and Voilà :

Generation Baby Boomers: Post war generation, grew with a strong believe in human freedom, freedom from a system, system of control and pressure. They are the contributors of peace rallies around the world. They are more conservative. They were born after the Second World War and influenced From 1960 till 1979. .

Generation Jones: was the generation of actual children in the 1960s, which came of age in the middle to late 1970s and early 1980s. Their approach with new technology is for the most strictly for work purpose or for example for a specific use such as messaging a family member or using a search engine.

Generation X: is the generation born between approximately 1965 to 1980, are the first to use computing and the internet. They are the programmers and love technology, but are still argues the value of sharing knowledge with the crowd, they generally are connected only to their dear friends on Facebook. A few of them use social networks only for specific purposes, money, business or work.

Generation Y: is a very large generation born between 1981 and 1995. they are often called the Millenials, this generation are the promoters of a new interactive web of sharing and collaboration. They understand the use of a fully interactive internet but not so much its backbone, they develop, mashup, use API to their website and share on a peer to peer level, they are mostly anti-global but work with the world online. They walk around with their laptop at school as if it was a walkman back in the Eighties.

Generation M, or mobile generation are born from 1996 to present, they will work in a more interactive world. They are not seeking money, but notoriety, based on project concept and not on a contract. They like to travel the world, learn languages they interracial and seek an approach with different cultures on every level of communication. They don’t like the idea of being bond to a place or culture or company. They will probably assist to a new frontier human perception of itself.

April 3, 2009 Posted by | future of Social network, social network concept | , , , , , , | 2 Comments